Arsenic blood test
Arsenic from heparin blood
This blood test is done to assess whether someone has been exposed to too much arsenic.
laboratory method used: ICP-MSReference range
<10 μg / l. The result is good if it is lower than 133 nmol / l.
Arsenic is used in the metal, glass and ceramic industries. In addition, it is found in food (fish, seafood, etc.).
Chronic intoxication: carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects, polyneuropathy, gray-brown skin discoloration, palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis, hair lossArsenic
is a natural semi-metallic chemical found in groundwater. Overexposure to arsenic (ingestion or inhalation) causes numerous symptoms to the blood, brain, skin, stomach and intestines, and nails. Arsenic poisoning occurs acutely (suddenly) or chronically (gradually). Persons who work with arsenic should therefore take precautions to prevent arsenic poisoning. Acute poisoning from arsenic is life-threatening.
This test is also possible from urine.