Gino Lamers blood test
This blood test is specially formulated for strength athletes and bodybuilders by Gino Lamers > WP1.
It checks for anemia, liver function, kidney function, fat profile, thyroid, muscle damage and hormones.
"I have used the service of Blood Values Test several times myself, and I was very pleased with the contact and the detailed results.
''Having been training myself for about 4 years and competing in bodybuilding competitions for a year now, it is more than obvious to me how important it is to maintain your health through several blood checks a year. I would therefore like to convey this to my followers; on Instagram I can be found under @gino.lamers"
This is the test I do regularly.
The blood values measured are:
- Albumin (new)
- Cholesterol/HDL ratio*
- Creatine kinase (CK)*
- Creatinine*
- Erythrocytes*
- Gamma-GT
- HDL*
- HDL/LDL risk index*
- Hematocrit*
- Haemoglobin* (Hb)*
- LDL*
- Leukocytes*
- LH
- MCH*
- MCV*
- New as of 01-01-2024: RDW-CV (Redd Cell Distrubution Weight).
- Estradiol**
- Testosterone
- Total cholesterol*
- Triglycerides*
- Platelets*
- TSH, thyroid
- Urea*
- Free testosterone
The values with an asterisk * are extra compared to the test: Bodybuilding
The values with an asterisk ** are extra compared to the test: Flex Challenge Test
Blood Values Test provides blood sampling at a blood collection center near you for €21.90.
You will receive the results with the explanation by email within 5 to 10 working days.