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Histamine (3)

Histamine plays a crucial role in our immune system and is essential for numerous bodily functions. Read about the role of histamine in the body, the symptoms of histamine intolerance and how we can test it for you!


    • DAO diamino oxidase

    DAO diamino oxidase

    DAO diamino-oxidase measurement. Result > 10 means no histamine intolerance. Inhibition of DAO activity by alcohol or medications such as acetylcysteine.

    € 49,-

    € 49,-

    • Histamine Intolerance stool RP

    Histamine Intolerance stool RP

    The stool test for histamine involves determining the level of histamine in the stool. For common symptoms and the test, see here.

    € 67,-

    € 67,-

    • Methylhistamine RP from urine

    Methylhistamine RP from urine

    METHYLHISTAMINE A breakdown product of histamine and is used in screening for mastocytosis, a disorder of systemic mast cell activation such as anaphylaxis and other forms of systemic allergic reactions.

    € 127,-

    € 127,-

What is histamine and histamine intolerance?

Histamine is a biogenic amine, a naturally occurring chemical involved in many body processes, including immune and inflammatory responses. It is produced in response to allergens and plays a key role in allergic reactions. Histamine also helps the body regulate stomach acid and plays a role in sleep-wake rhythms.

Histamine intolerance occurs when the body has difficulty breaking down histamine. This can lead to an accumulation of histamine in the body, resulting in symptoms similar to allergic reactions. The cause of histamine intolerance is often related to a deficiency in the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), which is responsible for breaking down histamine in the intestines.

The role of histamine in the body

The role of histamine in the body goes beyond just causing allergic reactions. In addition to its role in immune response and inflammatory processes, histamine is involved in the regulation of stomach acid production, which is essential for digestion. In addition, it plays a role in the brain as a neurotransmitter, where it is involved in the regulation of sleep, alertness and cognitive functions.

Histamine also affects the cardiovascular system, the cardiovascular system. It can dilate blood vessels and help regulate blood pressure. Furthermore, histamine plays a role in blood vessel permeability, which is important for the body's response to inflammation and injury.

An imbalance leads to possible health problems

The multifaceted functions of histamine in the body make it an important substance, but at the same time, an imbalance of histamine can lead to health problems. From allergies and inflammation to digestive problems, sleep disturbances and neurological disorders - an excessive or insufficient amount of histamine can have various effects on a person's well-being. This highlights the importance of maintaining a balanced histamine balance and the importance of specific testing in cases of suspected intolerance or allergic reactions.

Symptoms of histamine intolerance and allergies

Histamine intolerance and allergies can cause a range of symptoms, which vary in severity and type. The most common symptoms of histamine intolerance include:

  • Skin reactions: such as rashes, itching, and eczema.
  • Digestive problems: including diarrhea, stomach pain, and bloating.
  • Respiratory problems: such as asthma, nasal congestion, and sneezing.
  • Neurological symptoms: such as headaches, migraines, and dizziness.
  • Other symptoms: such as fatigue, palpitations, and menstrual problems.

These symptoms can also overlap with other conditions, which makes diagnosing histamine intolerance challenging. A specific test at can be conclusive in this regard.

The importance of testing

Histamine symptoms can often be confused with symptoms of other conditions, such as food allergies, gastrointestinal disorders or even stress-related symptoms. This makes the importance of specific histamine testing all the more important. By accurately diagnosing histamine intolerance or allergies, appropriate treatment plans can be created. This is crucial not only for treating the symptoms, but also for avoiding the triggers that cause histamine reactions.

Our different types of tests

At, there are several tests available to diagnose histamine intolerance or allergies. Each of these tests offers insight into different aspects of histamine-related disorders:

  • Blood test DAO (Diamine Oxidase) test for histamine intolerance: This test measures the activity of the enzyme DAO in the blood. DAO is crucial for breaking down histamine in the body. A deficiency of DAO can lead to an accumulation of histamine, causing various symptoms. This test is especially important for diagnosing histamine intolerance, especially with symptoms such as skin rashes, migraines, and digestive problems.
  • Histamine test from stool (Histamine in feces test): This test measures the concentration of histamine in the stool. It indicates local reactions in the digestive system and can be useful in diagnosing food intolerances and allergies related to histamine.
  • Histamine in urine test: This test reflects the overall histamine load in the body. It may indicate systemic histamine intolerance or allergic reactions. This test is useful for assessing overall histamine levels in the body and can help determine the severity of intolerance or allergy.

Each of these tests can be crucial in determining the presence and impact of histamine in the body and can help form an effective treatment strategy for people suffering from symptoms related to histamine intolerance or allergies. offers these tests to provide an accurate diagnosis and enable personalized treatment.

Diagnosing histamine intolerance

Accurately diagnosing histamine intolerance is essential for determining appropriate treatment. After undergoing histamine testing, such as the DAO test, the histamine test from stool, or the histamine in urine test, doctors and specialists can get a clear picture of the histamine balance in the body. These results are crucial in determining:

  • The specific triggers that cause histamine reactions.
  • The severity of the intolerance or allergy.
  • Appropriate dietary modifications or medication to control symptoms.
  • Long-term management strategies for managing histamine intolerance.

With this personalized information, people suffering from histamine intolerance or allergies can take targeted steps to improve their quality of life.

Ordering a histamine test

Do you have symptoms that indicate histamine intolerance or allergies? Then don't wait any longer and take control of your health. Check out our tests and choose the one that suits you. Can't figure it out? Our expert are ready to give you personal advice. So you can order your test today. An accurate diagnosis is the first step to effective treatment and improved well-being.

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