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View recent info on submitting test kits during the holidays here

  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

CBR alcohol and drug screening lab examination (17)

For more information on drug and alcohol control procedure see: For questions send an email to [email protected ]


    • Psilocin truffles urine test

    Psilocin truffles urine test

    € 99,-

    Designer Drugs Truffles Psilocin from urine . This test is requested by psychiatrists ...

    • Confirmatory drug screening

    Confirmatory drug screening

    € 97,-

    If any of the drugs appear positive in urine, an additional test is performed to unde...

    • Counter-expertise CBR

    Counter-expertise CBR

    € 0,-

    At the CBR examination, a tube is kept frozen for a year to be requested for e...

    • Lisdexamphetamine in urine

    Lisdexamphetamine in urine

    € 99,-

    Lisdexamphetamine in urine test. This test is requested by psychiatrists to obtain driver's license....

    • LSD urine test

    LSD urine test

    € 87,-

    LSD from urine . This test is requested by psychiatrists to reinstate driver's license ...

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