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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
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  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

CBR alcohol and drug screening lab examination (17)

For more information on drug and alcohol control procedure see: For questions send an email to [email protected ]


    • Psilocin truffles urine test

    Psilocin truffles urine test

    Designer Drugs Truffles Psilocin from urine . This test is requested by psychiatrists to get driving license back for CBR inspection.

    € 99,-

    € 99,-

    • Confirmatory drug screening

    Confirmatory drug screening

    If any of the drugs appear positive in urine, an additional test is performed to determine if this is really the case. This is called a confirmation test or confirmation test.

    € 97,-

    € 97,-

    • Counter-expertise CBR

    Counter-expertise CBR

    At the CBR examination, a tube is kept frozen for a year to be requested for a counter-examination by another lab.

    € 0,-

    € 0,-

    • Lisdexamphetamine in urine

    Lisdexamphetamine in urine

    Lisdexamphetamine in urine test. This test is requested by psychiatrists to get the driver's license back for the CBR inspection, but you can also do it yourself to check someone or to test yourself what the results would be.

    € 99,-

    € 99,-

    • LSD urine test

    LSD urine test

    LSD from urine . This test is requested by psychiatrists to get the driving license back for the CBR inspection.

    € 87,-

    € 87,-

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