Blood test (vein) (
Find out why blood testing at Blood Value Testing is crucial for a detailed understanding of your health. Identify risk factors, monitor health and take preventive measures for a longer healthier life. To measure is to know. That's why you get your blood values checked. Ordering through the web shop is easy, you'll be notified quickly and results delivered via mailbox.
Vitamin D + B12 Combi
Discount on combination test blood test for deficiency of key vitamins D3 and B12
-17% Sale
59,- € 49,-
Vitamin E
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) a fat-soluble vitamin plays a role in the production of red blood cells, among other things. Vitamin E shortage? Order your test today.
€ 39,-
Vitamin H Biotin Vitamin B8
Biotin deficiency can cause hair loss inflammation of the skin nausea depression
and occurs e.g. anorexia frequent antibiotics€ 67,-
Vitamin K1 and K2 Panel
Our daily food does not contain that much vitamin K2. Foods that contain it are: Soft and hard cheeses butter egg yolk organ meats salami.
€ 139,-
Vitamins and Minerals Best
This vitamin and mineral check gives you an overview of your vitamin and mineral levels.
-17% Sale
595,- € 495,-
Meat allergy test RAST tick bite
Allergy screening for alpha bile if you can no longer tolerate meat after a tick bite....
€ 39,-
Food allergy
Food Screening FX5 Phadiatop. This is tested for a number of important allergens.
€ 39,-
Free Copper
Test for symptoms consistent with Wilson's disease Menkes syndrome copper accumulation copper poisoning copper deficiency anemia nausea etc.
€ 69,-
Wageningen Beasts Test
On special request we compiled this test for the Wageningen Beasts. Your blood will be tested on 12 points and the following blood values will be measured:
€ 69,-
Am I immune to Chickenpox Am I vaccinated against chickenpoxTest the Varicella zoster IgG antibodies .
-36% Sale
45,- € 29,-
Cycling test
At the request of Adri van Diemen, we have put together a test for the guidance of cyclists
€ 99,-