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Thyroid Blood Test (15)

Read below these thyroid tests to find out what symptoms are associated with a thyroid that works too fast or too slow, such as Graves' disease or Hashimoto's disease. Then choose which tests are best for you.


    • Thyroid test with iron status

    Thyroid test with iron status

    Thyroid hormones can affect the absorption, transport and metabolism of iron in the body. Therefore, this study provides a total thyroid panel with the important iron values.

    -19% Sale

    159,- € 129,-

    159,- € 129,-

    • PTH parathormone

    PTH parathormone

    A PTH test is performed to assess the function of the parathyroid glands and help diagnose Hyperparathyroidism or Hypoparathyroidism, in which too much or too little calcium is produced in the parathyroid gland.

    € 45,-

    € 45,-

    • Anti-TG - Fingerprick

    Anti-TG - Fingerprick

    The anti-Tg test measures the amount of antibodies to thyreoglobulin (Tg), a protein made in the thyroid gland. These antibodies can occur in both a fast- and slow-acting thyroid gland .

    € 76,-

    € 76,-

Thyroid Blood Test

Our thyroid plays a major role in our body's growth and metabolism. Do you want to know how your thyroid is doing? Then get a thyroid test.

In this section you will find several tests that can be done when thyroid disorders are suspected:

Measure all thyroid values; including antibodies and reverse T3.

Antibodies Thyroid

In how many % of cases are antibodies elevated when thyroid autoimmune disease is diagnosed:

Graves' diseaseHashimoto's disease
free T4, free T3increasedfree T4, free T3reduced
TSH receptor antibodies(mostly stimulatory) (TRAK)80-100%TSH receptor antibodies
(mostly blocking)
TPO autoantibodies (MAK).45-80%TPO autoantibodies (high titer)95%
Tg autoantibodies (TAK).12-30%Tg autoantibodies (high titer)50-60%

% within the patient population

Complaints thyroid autoimmunity:


Symptoms Graves' disease (thyroid gland working too fast)

  • lose weight
  • palpitations
  • sweating
  • hectic
  • vibrate
  • muscle weakness
  • diarrhea
  • be easily irritated
  • fatigue
  • a warm and clammy skin

An overactive thyroid, or Hyperthyroidism,is usually due to Graves' disease.

Symptoms of Hashimoto's disease (thyroid gland working too slowly)

  • unexplained weight gain
  • fluid retention (oedema), bloated face
  • tired and listless, apathetic: not moving forward, long sleep, sleepy during the day
  • dizziness and lightheadedness
  • low body temperature (35 - 36,6 °C) low blood pressure, slow heart rate
  • Cold (chills, frostbite) cold hands and feet
  • heart rate disruption
  • swollen thyroid gland (goitre)
  • menstrual complaints
  • tingling in the limbs
  • hair loss, dry, lackluster and brittle hair
  • bulging eyes & drooping eyelids, vision deteriorates
  • weak nails (brittle and ridged)
  • dry skin, chapped, flaky & patchy
  • vitiligo (loss of skin pigmentation)
  • memory and concentration problems
  • stomach problems and intestinal congestion
  • muscle pain and muscle spasm
  • reduced appetite
  • emotionally unstable and melancholic
  • depression and burn-out

The above symptoms of do not necessarily occur all the time or all (at the same time).

Hypothyroidism, a sluggish thyroid, is usually due to Hashimoto's disease.

Take a look at all of our thyroid tests to see which thyroid test best suits your situation.

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