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Glucose blood test sober, or not?

30 / 10 / 2023

Glucose blood test sober, or not?

Glucose blood tests provide real-time blood sugar information, while HbA1c provides an indication of average blood sugar levels over a longer period of time. For the measurement of HOMA-ir insuli

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What are the symptoms of too few white blood cells?

30 / 10 / 2023

What are the symptoms of too few white blood cells?

A lack of white blood cells can lead to decreased immune function, making the body more vulnerable to infections.

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Inflammation levels in the blood, what if they are too high, how do you measure it?

30 / 10 / 2023

Inflammation levels in the blood, what if they are too high, how do you measure it?

High levels of inflammation in the body can be measured using various laboratory tests. Some commonly used markers are C-reactive protein (CRP), sedimentation rate BSE, Leucoc

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Thyroid values testing

30 / 10 / 2023

Thyroid values testing

View our range of thyroid blood tests to determine which test is best for your situation. Your thyroid deserves attention, and a blood test can provide crucial information v

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What is the normal value of a hemoglobin blood test?

19 / 10 / 2023

What is the normal value of a hemoglobin blood test?

Hemoglobin is an essential protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout our bodies. Maintaining normal hemoglobin levels is crucial to the proper functioning of our lic

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