
  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

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What is Ferritin and what is the normal value of Ferritin?

25 / 04 / 2024iron deficiency

What is Ferritin and what is the normal value of Ferritin?

Ferritin is essential for your iron metabolism and can tell a lot about your health. Find out how can measure and interpret your ferritin levels for personalized insights

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What is the normal value of leukocytes?

25 / 04 / 2024immune system

What is the normal value of leukocytes?

Learn about the normal value of leukocytes, what abnormalities can mean and how Blood Value Test can help you understand what your blood results say about your health.

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Why vitamin D especially in the winter months?

17 / 01 / 2024Vitamin D

Why vitamin D especially in the winter months?

Vitamin D, often called the "sunshine vitamin," plays an essential role in our bodies. It is crucial for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, supports the immune system, nervous system, and

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PFAS Exposure and Health Effects: All about PFOS and PFOA in Blood Tests

11 / 01 / 2024

PFAS Exposure and Health Effects: All about PFOS and PFOA in Blood Tests

PFAS are chemicals that are widespread in the environment and in everyday products, and can have adverse health effects such as influencing the immune system and liver f

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Testing your blood levels: finger prick or going to an injection center?

09 / 01 / 2024

Testing your blood levels: finger prick or going to an injection center?

When it comes to monitoring your health, blood tests are an essential tool. Because, thanks to testing your blood values, you get a better understanding of the current status of

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Prick points throughout the Netherlands
No referral needed from your primary care physician
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