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What are the symptoms of an elevated alkaline phosphatase level?

19 / 08 / 2024

What are the symptoms of an elevated alkaline phosphatase level?

An elevated alkaline phosphatase level may indicate liver or bone problems. It is important to do further testing to determine the exact cause.

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When is your cholesterol too high?

19 / 08 / 2024cholesterol

When is your cholesterol too high?

Your cholesterol is too high if your LDL cholesterol is above 3.5 mmol/L. Regular cholesterol measurements and healthy lifestyle choices can help keep your cholesterol under control.

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What is a normal hematocrit value?

19 / 08 / 2024blood count

What is a normal hematocrit value?

A normal hematocrit value for men is between 38-50% and for women between 34-44%. A blood test can help identify abnormalities in the hematocrit value and appropriate treatment.

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What is a normal sodium value?

16 / 08 / 2024kidneys

What is a normal sodium value?

A normal sodium level is between 135 and 145 mmol/L and is crucial to your fluid balance and health. A sodium blood test helps detect abnormalities in your sodium levels early

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Everything you need to know about inhalant allergies and allergy testing

16 / 08 / 2024allergy

Everything you need to know about inhalant allergies and allergy testing

For many people, it is a daily struggle: allergic reactions without knowing the cause. From sneezing and itchy eyes to more serious symptoms such as asthma and breathing problems. The

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