Category: immune system
What is the normal value of leukocytes?
Learn about the normal value of leukocytes, what abnormalities can mean and how Blood Value Test can help you understand what your blood results say about your health.
If you've had a blood test done, you may have come across the term "leukocytes" on your results. Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are essential to your immune system, as they protect your body from infections and other diseases. But what does it really say when your values deviate from normal? In this blog, we explain what normal values for leukocytes are, why they are important and what it may mean if your values are not within the normal range.
What are leukocytes?
Leukocytes are the cells in your blood that fight infections and support your immune system. There are different types, such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils, and each plays its own role in the immune system.
The normal value of leukocytes
The normal value of leukocytes in the blood is usually between 4,000 and 10,000 cells per microliter. These values may vary slightly depending on your age and gender, among other factors.
At Blood Value Test, we always list the reference values associated with your gender and age for the specific test you took. This way you can easily see how your results compare to what is considered normal.
What can abnormal values mean?
A high leukocyte count may indicate infection, inflammation or other medical conditions. A low value may say something about problems with the bone marrow or an underlying viral disease.
How do you improve your leukocyte levels?
A healthy lifestyle can have a big impact on your immune system. Here are some tips:
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Stay active with regular exercise.
- Get enough sleep.
- Don't smoke and moderate your alcohol consumption.
In short!
Your leukocyte count is an important indicator of your health. If your values are high or low, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. Would you like to have your blood count checked? Then take a blood count test! You will not only find out your leukocyte count, but much more. Do you have questions about your results? You can always call or email Blood Value Test for more information or advice.