Bodybuilding test
When you play a strength sport, it is important to keep an eye on your hormones. This bodybuilding test examines the values of hormones that affect the health and performance of strength athletes. (WP6).
The following is tested:
- Gamma-GT
- Creatinine
- Cholesterol
- Testosterone total
- Testosterone free
- Albumin
- LH
Both for a beginner and advanced bodybuilder, this test is valuable. In bodybuilder, your goal is to create the perfect body for you. You do this through muscle mass. By training responsibly and pursuing a healthy diet, muscles will grow. After all, nutrition also affects hormones.
How can you most efficiently grow your muscles? Gain insight into the hormones that affect bodybuilding. What does your dream body look like? With this bodybuilding test, you too will gain insight into the hormones that can improve your health and performance while bodybuilding.