Cadmium blood test
Cadmium examination (EDTA)
Cadmium blood test from heparin blood or from urine.
Determination of cadmium load or cadmium poisoning.
Methods: ICP-MS
Cadmium is used as a stabilizer in PVC products, red or yellow pigment, metal coating in vehicle construction, in batteries and electrical appliances. Occupational exposure predominantly by inhalation.
Chronic cadmium poisoning may cause the following symptoms:
- renal disorder
- proteinuria (is the presence of an excessive amount of protein in the urine)
- cadmiumkou
- hyposmia, impaired sense of smell.
- yellowish tooth rings
- cachexia, extreme thinness
- germ cell damage infertility
Cadmium accumulates in the body through food and water, as well as inhaled air and the environment. Most patients are exposed to an excessive amount of cadmium through inhalation. This occurs for example at work, but smoking is also a risk factor. Mineral deficiencies also play a role in cadmium poisoning. When there is a nutrient deficiency in calcium, iron, protein and/or zinc, the body absorbs cadmium to fill these nutritional deficiencies. Cadmium replaces the inadequate nutrients to keep the body moving. The accumulation of cadmium causes poisoning symptoms over time.
This examination is also possible from urine.