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  • Ceruloplasmin
  • Ceruloplasmin


    Copper accumulation can be caused by Wilson's disease. This is an inherited disease resulting from a defect in the regulation of copper metabolic...


    + 21.90 one-time piercing fee per order
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    This test requires a blood draw from a vein. Collection is done through a blood collection center near you. Each order requires only 1 blood draw, even if you order multiple tests.

    The cost of blood collection at the blood collection station including test kit and shipping costs is €21.90.

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    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

    1853 reviews



    Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



    Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

    Product Description


    Ceruloplasmin in blood (serum) . The test measures the amount of the protein ceruloplasmin. This is needed to measure Copper stacking.

    To measure Wilson's disease or copper accumulation, choose this test.

    Copper is an essential element that we get through our food (for example, through nuts, chocolate, mushrooms, shellfish and grains). It is absorbed through the intestine and then transported to the liver. In the liver, copper is stored or bound to various enzymes. The liver binds copper to the protein apo-ceruloplasmin. After binding copper to apo-ceruloplasmin, this protein is called ceruloplasmin.

    Ceruloplasmin is made primarily in the liver and is the main protein in the body that binds and transports copper. About 95% of all copper in the body is bound to ceruloplasmin. Wilson's disease results from the inability of the liver to make cerulosplasmin or ceruloplasmin to incorporate copper into the protein. The result is low total copper in blood but increased free copper in the blood and increased excretion in urine.

    The relatively high concentration of free copper in blood results in copper accumulation in various organs such as the liver, brain, eyes, kidneys and joints. The determination of ceruloplasmin along with a determination of copper in blood and/or urine can help in the diagnosis of Wilson's disease.

    complaints or symptoms suggestive of copper accumulation are:

    • jaundice (a high level of bilirubin in the blood)
    • fatigue
    • abdominal pain and/or nausea
    • behavior change
    • tremors (twitching movements of limbs)
    • swallowing problems
    • walking problems
    • liver problems with high levels of billirubin
    • anemia (anemia)
    • abnormal blood clotting (due to liver disease)
    • hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells)
    • characteristic aberrations of the eye

    Copper accumulation can be caused by Wilson's disease. This is an inherited disease resulting from a defect in the regulation of copper metabolism.

    If Wilson's disease is suspected, it is best to order copper in blood as well.

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      • Ceruloplasmin


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      Copper stacking can be caused by Wilson's disease. This is an inherited disease...

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