Check-up Basic Blood Test
Basic check-up (WP13) compares your blood on 19 points with the applicable references for someone of your gender and age.
The following tests are performed:
- ALT - Liver function
- Platelets
- Cholesterol Total - cardiovascular disease
- Cholesterol total compared to HDL
- Creatinine - Renal function
- Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
- Gamma GT - Liver function
- Glucose - Diabetes
- Haemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of tiredness
- Hematocrit (blood volume)
- HDL - good cholesterol
- HDL/LDL risk index
- LDL cholesterol - bad cholesterol
- Leucocytes - White blood cells
- MCV (average blood cell size)
- MCH (average amount of Hb per red blood cell)
- MCHC (Hb in red blood cells)
- New as of 01-01-2024: RDW-CV (Redd Cell Distrubution Weight).
- Triglycerides - Incorporated fat content in the blood
Look at related products and complete this examination if necessary on the basis of complaints, age and family disorders.
Or order additional tests after receiving your results, from the blood that is stored at the lab for a few days.