Closed Gut-/Leaky Gut Screening
Closed Gut/Leaky Gut Screening and Mucosal Immunity
This stool test consists of;
alpha-1-antitrypsin, calprotectin, zonulin, secretory IgA and
beta-defensin 2
In Europe, 25% of the inhabitants suffer from diseases related to a poorly functioning gut. It usually starts with the phenomenon of 'Closed Gut'. In practical terms, this means malabsorption and an enteric nervous system that is 85% inactive.
A Closed Gut is caused by an increased toxin load. A thickening occurs in the tissue to protect the body. Figuratively speaking, the floodgates close. This means, that the therapeutic approach must be started differently than in Leaky Gut Syndrome.
The complaints pattern in Closed Gut and Leaky Gut are the same and because of this, the wrong treatment route can be chosen based on a complaints registration.
Measures to strengthen the mucous membrane are counterproductive in the case of a closed gut and often worsen the symptoms.
This stool examination Closed gut/ Leaky gut screening and mucosal immunity provides clarity on which therapeutic route to choose.