CMP Comprehensive Metabolic Panel blood test
The comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP/WP24) is used as a screening tool to evaluate organ function and monitor for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease. The CMP can also be ordered to monitor known conditions, such as high blood pressure, and to monitor people taking specific medications for any kidney- or liver-related side effects.
Diabetes and high blood pressure are major contributors to kidney damage. In fact, high blood sugar levels in diabetes can damage kidney filters. High blood pressure also damages kidney filters and blood vessels. Diabetes, by the way, can also cause high blood pressure. Kidney damage can also cause high blood pressure.
The kidneys play an important role in regulating blood pressure, and it does not work as well when the kidneys are damaged. Thus, kidney damage and high blood pressure reinforce each other. In addition, high blood pressure causes cardiovascular disease.
CMP blood test
This complete medical check-up compares your blood at 13 points with the appropriate references for a healthy person of your sex and age.
The following tests are performed:
- Glucose
- Calcium
- Albumin
- Total Protein
- Sodium (sodium)
- Potassium (potassium)
- Chloride
Kidney Tests
- Urea BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
- Creatinine
Liver Tests
- ALP (alkaline phosphatase) alkaline phosphatase
- ALT (alanine amino transferase) alat
- AST (aspartate amino transferase) asat
- Bilirubin