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Collection (931)


    • Rheumatoid factor

    Rheumatoid factor

    € 59,-

    The test measures whether rheumatoid arthritis factors are present in the blood and if so how much. Rheumatoid factors (...

    • iGene ExtraGene analysis

    iGene ExtraGene analysis

    € 379,- € 356,95

    In doing so, additional gene information is released in the professional dashboard of the iGene...

    • TSH Receptor

    TSH Receptor

    € 57,-

    The test determines the presence of and TSH receptor antibodies to thyroid cells. Ve...

    • Cholesterol package - Finger prick

    Cholesterol package - Finger prick

    € 31,-

    Cholesterol plays an important role in the body in building tissues and organe...

    • Troponin T heart

    Troponin T heart

    € 45,-

    When the heart muscle is damaged (myocardial necrosis), there is an increase in troponin T in...

    • Free PSA

    Free PSA

    € 29,-

    Blood test for increased risk of prostate cancer

    • Lead


    € 58,-

    Lead in blood determination. To determine the presence of possible lead poisoning,...

    • Antibodies to parietal cells gastritis

    Antibodies to parietal cells gastritis

    € 59,-

    This blood test is used to aid in the diagnosis of and autoimmune gastritis and en...

    • antibodies to insulin

    antibodies to insulin

    € 39,-

    Blood test to measure if you are predisposed to type 1 insulin

    • Urine examination complementary

    Urine examination complementary

    € 29,-

    This test can be performed as an adjunct to a test where a urine screenin...

    • oxidized LDL cholesterol

    oxidized LDL cholesterol

    € 45,-

    LDL cholesterol is only bad when you put it in contact with sugar. On a ketogenic di...

    • VegaCheck


    € 179,- € 127,-

    Vegacheck for vegetarians and vegans who want to measure their blood levels from time to time,...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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