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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Zika Virus IgM and IgG

    Zika Virus IgM and IgG

    € 99,-

    IgM antibodies to the Zika virus appear 4 to 5 days after the onset of see...

    • Cardiolipin - IGM

    Cardiolipin - IGM

    € 45,-

    Some individuals have been found to have antibodies to cardiolipin in their blood. Patients...

    • Borrelia IgG Blot Confirmation Test

    Borrelia IgG Blot Confirmation Test

    € 69,-

    Test is done as confirmation of a positive Borrelia antibodies (IgG) in the dia...

    • Triglycerides


    € 5,-

    This test is used to estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease. Triglycer...

    • Entrepreneurial Check-up

    Entrepreneurial Check-up

    € 339,- € 239,-

    A preventive medical examination is tax deductible as a cost.

    • CBR designer drug 3-mmc from blood

    CBR designer drug 3-mmc from blood

    € 99,-

    Amphetamines in blood. This test is requested by psychiatrists to restore driver's license to...

    • Herpes - IgG type 2

    Herpes - IgG type 2

    € 29,50

    STD blood test if antibodies are detectable this indicates infection with the Herpes...

    • Urine culture

    Urine culture

    € 69,-

    This examination can see what bacteria are in the urine.

    • Zonulin from stool RP

    Zonulin from stool RP

    € 69,-

    Zonulin is a protein, which is active in the intestinal epithelium. Elevated zonulin levels i...

    • Progesterone - Finger prick

    Progesterone - Finger prick

    € 25,-

    Progesterone is a calming hormone. It is important that estrogen and progesterone with...

    • MTHFR gene mutation C677T

    MTHFR gene mutation C677T

    € 295,-

    In an abnormality of the MTHFR gene, no or reduced folate can be formed. ...

    • Hb Electropheresis Sickle cell disease

    Hb Electropheresis Sickle cell disease

    € 49,-

    An hb-electroferesis is a blood test used to detect different types of hemoglob...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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