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Collection (930)


    • Colorectal cancer test IFOBT

    Colorectal cancer test IFOBT

    Polyps in your intestine you do not feel, but are very easy to test with a self-test. Pay attention to your signals Colorectal cancer can be detected early - unlike many other cancers - and is easily treatable. It then concerns polyps and they can

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Tired 2024 Sober

    Tired 2024 Sober

    Having trouble getting out of bed? Can you handle the day only after a strong cup of coffee or can't stop yawning during the day?

    -9% Sale

    197,- € 179,-

    197,- € 179,-

    • Cortisol


    Cortisol is needed to cope with stressful situations. But if the stress hormone is coursing through our veins for too long, there can be consequences.

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • AMH


    A single measurement in the blood of Anti-Muller Hormone (AMH) can be used to form a picture of the current status of a woman's fertility.

    € 59,-

    € 59,-

    • Dengue IgG

    Dengue IgG

    Blood test for dengue (also known as dengue fever) to detect the presence of the dengue virus in the body.

    € 45,-

    € 45,-

    • Iron, Transferrin Saturation and Ferritin

    Iron, Transferrin Saturation and Ferritin

    Transferrin and Ferritin are proteins in the blood. These tests are done when iron metabolism is suspected.

    € 38,-

    € 38,-

    • iGene DNA test Health

    iGene DNA test Health

    iGene HEALTH is the most complete DNA saliva test available. It provides information on all available topics of the iGene DNA test.

    -7% Sale

    299,- € 279,-

    299,- € 279,-

    • Transferrin


    Blood transferrin levels are determined when iron metabolism disorders are suspected.

    € 15,-

    € 15,-

    • immunoglobulin IgA, IgG and IgM

    immunoglobulin IgA, IgG and IgM

    The test measures the amount of immunoglobulins (Ig for short) in the blood, distinguishing three different types: IgA IgG and IgM.

    € 75,-

    € 75,-

    • ActiveVitB12 (Holo TC)

    ActiveVitB12 (Holo TC)

    This Holo-TC (Active-B12) test measures only the active part, making it a better test to assess B12 status than the common standard B12 serum test for incipient B12 deficiency.

    -12% Sale

    67,- € 59,-

    67,- € 59,-

    • Globulin protein electroferesis

    Globulin protein electroferesis

    Depending on the disease, differences in the composition of protein fractions occur. Protein electrophoresis is used to identify the different proteins.

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • MTHFR genetic research

    MTHFR genetic research

    In an abnormality of the MTHFR gene, folic acid cannot be formed or is reduced. 5-MTHF the bioactive form of folic acid is needed.

    € 478,-

    € 478,-

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