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Collection (930)


    • Cocaine in urine CBR

    Cocaine in urine CBR

    € 59,-

    Cocaine in urine test. This test is requested by psychiatrists to restore the driver's license to...

    • Bowel Therapy Screening

    Bowel Therapy Screening

    € 769,-

    This stool examination provides information about the health and functioning of the m...

    • Glyphosate urine test

    Glyphosate urine test

    € 87,-

    Glyphosate causes deficiency of amino acids in vegetables grown after this ...

    • Vitamin Combi test + Folic acid

    Vitamin Combi test + Folic acid

    € 65,-

    Combination test for vitamin D3 B12 deficiency now with free B11 folic acid

    • Omega 3 Index RP

    Omega 3 Index RP

    € 97,-

    If the percentage of the two omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in the blood is reduced then...

    • Email consultation for strength athletes by internist

    Email consultation for strength athletes by internist

    € 44,50 € 39,95

    The consultation involves an email consultation about blood results.

    Blood tests during an...

    • Prealbumin


    € 25,-

    Albumin is a too slow indicator for measuring protein malnutrition. Pre-Albumin is ...

    • B12 clinic blood tests

    B12 clinic blood tests

    € 195,-

    In order for the consultation at the B12 Clinic to be as optimal as possible, it is necessary for you to...

    • 7 biomarkers YourHealthConcept

    7 biomarkers YourHealthConcept

    € 174,- € 139,-

    YourHeathConcept suggested this blood test consisting of vitamin D (25-OH) HbA1c ApoB hs-...

    • Bloody Good Body

    Bloody Good Body

    € 129,-

    Blood tests compare your blood with the values of a healthy person. This way you can quickly get...

    • Herpes - IgG type 1 or 2 not disaggregated

    Herpes - IgG type 1 or 2 not disaggregated

    € 29,50

    STD blood test if antibodies are detectable this indicates infection with the Herpes...

    • Closed Gut

    Closed Gut

    € 139,-

    Abdominal pain or trouble with your bowels usually starts with closed gut problems, but can grow into...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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