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Collection (930)


    • STD Multiplex - PCR Panel Candida

    STD Multiplex - PCR Panel Candida

    € 97,-

    This test measures different types of candida, such as: albicans, dubliniensis, glabrata, kr...

    • Procalcitonin


    € 69,-

    Procalcitonin is a protein produced in the body mainly in response to bac...

    • Dysbiosis organic acid screening RP

    Dysbiosis organic acid screening RP

    € 109,-

    Dysbiosis organic acid screening
    4-OH-benzoic acid, benzoic acid, dihydroxy-phenylpropionic acid,...

    • EPO Erythropoietin

    EPO Erythropoietin

    € 54,-

    Blood test for anemia where cells are normal size. MCV lies ne...

    • Metabolic Balance® blood test with B12+D3

    Metabolic Balance® blood test with B12+D3

    € 139,-

    For the Metabolic Balance Program which is based on your individual blood values, the...

    • Lyme Disease Control BCA Clinic

    Lyme Disease Control BCA Clinic

    € 79,-

    During treatment, blood should be checked every 2 weeks for various...

    • Hepatitis B immunity

    Hepatitis B immunity

    € 19,50

    To check whether a person is infected with hepatitis B virus or to verify that the treatment is...

    • The Now Blood Test Recommended, DNA Test & Biological Age

    The Now Blood Test Recommended, DNA Test & Biological Age

    € 489,-

    The Nu Health Test: Blood test and DNA test for personal insights. Includes ...

    • PMN Elastase RP Relief

    PMN Elastase RP Relief

    € 39,-

    Polymorphonuclear elastase (PMN-Elastase) from stool is an enzyme released during ...

    • Milk and Egg Screening What can I eat?

    Milk and Egg Screening What can I eat?

    € 119,-

    As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you test for the milk and egg growth...

    • Vitamin B2

    Vitamin B2

    € 49,-

    We measure the amount of FAD in the blood. This is the active ingredient of vitamin B2. This ond...

    • EDTA Reticulocytes


    € 9,50

    When someone is anemic, it is important to know whether l new red blood c...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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