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Collection (930)


    • Consultation autoimmune diseases

    Consultation autoimmune diseases

    € 45,-

    It is possible to stop your autoimmune disease with modifications. Kim Ooms ...

    • heavy metal panel

    heavy metal panel

    € 295,-

    A heavy metal panel is a laboratory test that detects various heavy metals in the corpus...

    • Vitamin E

    Vitamin E

    € 39,-

    Vitamin E (Tocopherol) a fat-soluble vitamin plays a role in the production of ro...

    • Iron in Urine

    Iron in Urine

    € 19,90

    If insufficient iron is absorbed through food, the stores in the body will...

    • Bioidentical cream Control test

    Bioidentical cream Control test

    € 109,-

    Women with severe menopause symptoms usually do not experience enough relief with ver...

    • Bell Coaching test

    Bell Coaching test

    € 189,-

    Having your blood checked regularly is a must for any serious athlete. This test is s...

    • Coombs direct test

    Coombs direct test

    € 29,-

    The Coombs test also known as antiglobulin test is a laboratory test that detects antibodies ...

    • Brain Minerals

    Brain Minerals

    € 129,-

    Minerals that affect brain function. In addition to your vitamins, he...

    • Health check

    Health check

    € 119,-

    Richard de Leth put together the Health APK for the OERsterk health coaches. To ...

    • Omega 3+6 status balance

    Omega 3+6 status balance

    € 159,-

    Omega 3 and 6 fatty acid status contains many components. Can only be done directly on the labiu...

    • Less Libido

    Less Libido

    € 167,-

    To test whether your and libido problems have a physical cause, this te...

    • Egg donation IVF Blood test

    Egg donation IVF Blood test

    € 195,-

    If you have turned to a clinic abroad for egg donation or an IVF...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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