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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Bonusan blood value check complete

    Bonusan blood value check complete

    € 144,99

    The Bonusan blood value check complete gives a complete overview of the most important bl...

    • Better Clinic for autoimmune diseases

    Better Clinic for autoimmune diseases

    € 45,- € 0,-

    Free consultation for thyroid and autoimmune diseases following your results of Blood Values Test....

    • Hormones - Brain Institute

    Hormones - Brain Institute

    € 199,-

    • Hepatitis anti-HBc IgM

    Hepatitis anti-HBc IgM

    € 39,-

    Hepatitis anti-HBc-IgM says something about a current Hepatitis infection, this blood test is...

    • ActiveVitB12 (Holo TC) - Finger prick

    ActiveVitB12 (Holo TC) - Finger prick

    € 59,-

    This Holo-TC (Active-B12) finger prick test measures only the active part, making it a b...

    • Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea STD (male/female) Throat

    Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea STD (male/female) Throat

    € 59,- € 49,-

    You can easily take the test yourself, in peace and quiet. You send the test in the special envelope to ...

    • Biomarkers men

    Biomarkers men

    € 219,-

    Biomarkers for men are measurable indicators in the body that provide specific information ...

    • HLA-B51


    € 167,- € 139,-

    HLA-B51 (PCR) 270 ml EDTA blood + permission slip. This test is done at a k...

    • Inflammation screening RP stool

    Inflammation screening RP stool

    € 79,-

    The Inflammation Screening consisting of calprotectin, lactoferrin, hemoglobin and transfe...

    • Vitamin K1 and K2 Panel

    Vitamin K1 and K2 Panel

    € 139,-

    Our daily food does not contain that much vitamin K2. Foods that contain it are: Soft...

    • Apolipoprotein A2

    Apolipoprotein A2

    € 29,-

    Lp-PLA2 is a marker of inflammation and can be elevated in any atherosclerosis or ze...

    • THC-COOH from Blood Prive

    THC-COOH from Blood Prive

    € 87,-

    Release of cannabis in adipose tissue to blood remains measurable for 2 to 7 days
    Because the a...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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