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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Mumps virus IgM and IgG (parotitis)

    Mumps virus IgM and IgG (parotitis)

    This test is done in case of suspicion of infection it with Mumps virus customers are fever, parotitis; Complications: pancreatitis, orchitis, meningitis, hearing loss in the inner ear.

    € 49,-

    € 49,-

    • M2-PK stool test

    M2-PK stool test

    Screening for colon cancer. Elevated values of M2PK in the stool are found in colon cancer, as well as in inflammatory bowel disease and infectious diarrhea.

    € 59,-

    € 59,-

    • Vitamin H Biotin Vitamin B8

    Vitamin H Biotin Vitamin B8

    Biotin deficiency can cause hair loss inflammation of the skin nausea depression
    and occurs e.g. anorexia frequent antibiotics

    € 67,-

    € 67,-

    • Adiponectin blood test

    Adiponectin blood test

    Measuring adiponectin levels in the blood provides insight into insulin sensitivity, inflammatory status, metabolism, weight regulation and cardiovascular health.

    € 98,-

    € 98,-

    • MRSA screening throat nose perineum

    MRSA screening throat nose perineum

    Test: am I carrying the MRSA bacteria? Prior to hospitalization for livestock owners or people coming from other institutions.

    € 69,-

    € 69,-

    • Celiac disease post-determination tTG IgG

    Celiac disease post-determination tTG IgG

    Celiac disease is more common than previously thought. More than half of celiac patients do not have the classic picture of diarrhea. Test yourself!

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

    • Bonusan blood value check iron

    Bonusan blood value check iron

    The Bonusan blood value check iron provides insight into the entire iron balance in the body

    € 49,-

    € 49,-

    • Consult Dr. Claudia 10 min

    Consult Dr. Claudia 10 min

    Do you have questions about which examinations are best to request in your situation?
    Or do you have questions following the results of your examination? Then request a telephone or video call consultation with Doctor Claudia

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

    • antibodies against HTLV-I/II

    antibodies against HTLV-I/II

    HTLV type-1 is endemic to the Caribbean, Africa, and southern Japan.
    In the Netherlands, infections with HTLV-1 are primarily found in people from
    Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and sometimes in intravenous drug users. The

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

    • Wageningen Beasts Test

    Wageningen Beasts Test

    On special request we compiled this test for the Wageningen Beasts. Your blood will be tested on 12 points and the following blood values will be measured:

    € 69,-

    € 69,-

    • Varizella zoster virus

    Varizella zoster virus

    Varicella-zoster virus (HHV-3) IgG avidity (serum). The less specific the antibodies the lower the avidity. Originates from local reactivation.

    € 45,-

    € 45,-

    • Grow Coaching Quick

    Grow Coaching Quick

    As a serious (power) athlete you want to be as efficient as possible with training and nutrition. It may be that an abnormal blood pressure can...

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

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