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Collection (930)


    • Estron (E1)

    Estron (E1)

    € 45,-

    In men, administration of androstenedione causes increased Estron E1 levels.In v...

    • Adrenal cortex antibodies Addison's disease

    Adrenal cortex antibodies Addison's disease

    € 59,-

    Antibodies to adrenal cortex (steroid 21-hydroxylase)

    • Martial Arts

    Martial Arts

    € 227,- € 199,-

    All tests of Bodybuilding and Free Fight combined for a total overview. WP3 + C...

    • Legionella legionnaire's disease

    Legionella legionnaire's disease

    € 59,-

    Legionella blood test in suspicion of recent infection Legionella pneumophila Ig...

    • hCG urine (pregnancy test)

    hCG urine (pregnancy test)

    € 25,-

    To determine whether a woman is pregnant.It is the growth factor for the placenta and is...

    • Beta Hydroxybutyric acid

    Beta Hydroxybutyric acid

    € 29,-

    While following a ketogenic diet, which allows you to get energy from fat instead of from koo...

    • Thyroid blood value check

    Thyroid blood value check

    € 115,-

    Blood values check thyroid provides an overview of the most important thyroid values ...

    • Perfluorooctansulfonic PFOS

    Perfluorooctansulfonic PFOS

    € 139,-

    Perfluorooctanoic acid sulfate (PFOS) to measure Teflon in blood. What about the gr...

    • immunoglobulin IgG

    immunoglobulin IgG

    € 29,-

    The test measures the amount of IgG immunoglobulins in the blood

    • Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    € 75,-

    Geertje has specialized in neurology and specifically Parkinson's disease. She has h...

    • Flex Control Test

    Flex Control Test

    € 169,- € 159,-

    Specially formulated for strength athletes bodybuilders and MMA Fighters. Regularly feed your blo...

    • Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    € 297,-

    As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you test for the fruit and vegetable gr...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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