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Collection (930)


    • Estron (E1)

    Estron (E1)

    In men, administration of androstenedione causes increased Estron E1 levels.In women, proportionally more estrone occurs after menopause.

    € 45,-

    € 45,-

    • Adrenal cortex antibodies Addison's disease

    Adrenal cortex antibodies Addison's disease

    Antibodies to adrenal cortex (steroid 21-hydroxylase)

    € 59,-

    € 59,-

    • Martial Arts

    Martial Arts

    All tests from Bodybuilding and Free Fight combined for a total overview. WP3 + Cortisol and DHEA-S on request form

    -12% Sale

    227,- € 199,-

    227,- € 199,-

    • Legionella legionnaire's disease

    Legionella legionnaire's disease

    Legionella blood test when suspecting a recent infection Legionella pneumophila IgM and checking for an old Legionella infection. Read more here.

    € 59,-

    € 59,-

    • hCG urine (pregnancy test)

    hCG urine (pregnancy test)

    To determine if a woman is pregnant.It is the growth factor for the placenta and is produced after fertilization of an egg.

    € 25,-

    € 25,-

    • Beta Hydroxybutyric acid

    Beta Hydroxybutyric acid

    While following a ketogenic diet, with which you get energy from fat instead of carbohydrates, you can measure from time to time if your beta hydroxybutyric acid is elevated.

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Thyroid blood value check

    Thyroid blood value check

    Thyroid Blood Values Check provides an overview of key thyroid values and provides insight into thyroid function.

    € 115,-

    € 115,-

    • Perfluorooctansulfonic PFOS

    Perfluorooctansulfonic PFOS

    Perfluorooctanoic acid sulfate (PFOS) to measure Teflon in blood. What about the groundwater in your area? Test it today.

    € 139,-

    € 139,-

    • immunoglobulin IgG

    immunoglobulin IgG

    The test measures the amount of IgG immunoglobulins in the blood

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    Geertje has specialized in neurology and in particular Parkinson's disease. She has developed the program Grip op Parkinson which can be completed completely digitally.

    € 75,-

    € 75,-

    • Flex Control Test

    Flex Control Test

    Specially formulated for strength athletes bodybuilders and MMA Fighters. Regular blood checks are a must for any serious athlete.

    -6% Sale

    169,- € 159,-

    169,- € 159,-

    • Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you continue testing on the fruits and vegetables group, consisting of 88 foods.

    € 297,-

    € 297,-

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