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  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?

    € 297,-

    As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you test for the fruit and vegetable gr...

    • Borrelia IgM Blot Confirmation Test

    Borrelia IgM Blot Confirmation Test

    € 69,-

    This test is done as confirmation of positive Borrelia antibodies (IgG) in d...

    • Selenium urine

    Selenium urine

    € 35,-

    Selenium is a trace element that also functions as an antioxidant. Selenium protects red b...

    • HDL


    € 5,-

    Take the test easily and inexpensively at The largest supplier of ...

    • Fructosamine


    € 19,-

    If anemia is suspected of affecting HbA1c results, a fructosam...

    • Arsenic


    € 79,-

    This blood test is done to assess whether someone has been exposed to too much arsenic.

    • Minerals Base

    Minerals Base

    € 49,-

    • Hepatitis A IgG/IgM after vaccination.

    Hepatitis A IgG/IgM after vaccination.

    € 29,-

    This test is recommended in some cases by Home Vaccination after hepatitis A vaccine...

    • Biomarkers neuroplasticity

    Biomarkers neuroplasticity

    € 187,-

    This test was put together by family physician Rosanne Koster-Top of Maarsingh and van Steijn to ...

    • Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    Consultation Grip on Parkinson

    € 75,-

    Geertje has specialized in neurology and specifically Parkinson's disease. She has h...

    • heavy metal panel II

    heavy metal panel II

    € 139,-

    A heavy metal panel II is a more advanced version of the laboratory test that provides different...

    • Nickel poisoning

    Nickel poisoning

    € 39,-

    Nickel is a heavy metal a trace element and a toxic substance. Chronic nickel poisoning...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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