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  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Amitriptyline level

    Amitriptyline level

    € 59,-

    Amitriptyline (level determination) Antidepressants Medication level

    • Antimony from blood or urine

    Antimony from blood or urine

    € 49,-

    Antimony (semi-metallic) is used in many industrial sectors as an additive to alloys....

    • Bodybuilding Woman Light

    Bodybuilding Woman Light

    € 296,-

    Anouk Holman compiled this basic blood test to b...

    • Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP)

    Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP)

    € 59,-

    Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) from EDTA blood

    • Grains and Nuts What can I eat?

    Grains and Nuts What can I eat?

    € 159,-

    As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is advised by testing for nutritional screening clay...

    • fat profile stool

    fat profile stool

    € 45,-

    Fat/digestion (quantitative) from feces. Clinical indications: Suspected malabsorption and m...

    • Dog Worm

    Dog Worm

    € 35,-

    The and dog flush worm and is a relatively long and parasitic and roundworm and that prevent...

    • Nicotine


    € 45,-

    The determination of nicotine can be carried out as a control in case of smoking cessation.

    • Base-I blood test vitamin minerals

    Base-I blood test vitamin minerals

    € 144,-

    • AMA Blotting Test

    AMA Blotting Test

    € 73,-

    Antibodies to AMA blot test from serum in suspicion of PBC. This is a chronic le...

    • Rubella IgG

    Rubella IgG

    € 25,-

    Am I immune to rubella? If a pregnant person is seronegative and has ever been vaccinated is ...

    • Lifestyle doctor consultation + 20 minutes extra

    Lifestyle doctor consultation + 20 minutes extra

    € 60,-

    For questions about your lab results or prior to a lab result, you can have a video consultation ...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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