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  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Collection (930)


    • Kidney research

    Kidney research

    Because we eat protein every day and also break it down, there is always a small amount of urea present in the blood. What if the kidneys are not functioning properly?

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Bowel Health Screening

    Bowel Health Screening

    When you start this screening you will have a complete overview of your gut health. If there is something out of balance in combination with your symptoms, you can continue to search specifically from this screening in consultation with the colon therapist.

    € 349,-

    € 349,-

    • urine status and sediment

    urine status and sediment

    Check for kidney problems urinary tract disease or metabolic disorder. You can find out with this test!

    € 29,90

    € 29,90

    • Urea


    Because we eat and also break down protein daily, there is always a small amount of urea in the blood. If the kidneys do not function properly ...

    € 5,-

    € 5,-

    • Bilirubin


    Jaundice (icterus) is not a disorder per se but a manifestation of several disorders of delever and gallbladder. Read more here.

    € 9,90

    € 9,90

    • Uric Acid

    Uric Acid

    Persons with gout suffer from painful joints usually in the big toe sometimes in the midfoot ankle knee or wrist.

    € 9,90

    € 9,90

    • Cholesterol package

    Cholesterol package

    Cholesterol plays an important role in the body in building tissues and organs and in the production of certain hormones and bile acids. Read more ...

    € 25,-

    € 25,-

    • PSA Prostate for men

    PSA Prostate for men

    If the PSA in the blood is elevated, this may indicate prostate cancer, but it does not have to be. PSA is also elevated in inflammation of the prostate and in the benign disease BPH.

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Health screening Bowel Plus RP

    Health screening Bowel Plus RP

    This program provides insight into the overall state of gut health. Also tests acidity and whether there is food intolerance.

    € 479,-

    € 479,-

    • SIBO RP from Urine

    SIBO RP from Urine

    SIBO is an overgrowth of colon bacteria in the small intestine. Increased levels of both Indican and Skatol indicate SIBO.

    € 37,-

    € 37,-

    • Lactate


    Lactate Acidosis is a condition in which lactate (lactic acid) builds up in the body and cannot burn it off fast enough. Medications, a (genetic) disease and excessive exercise usually cause this condition.

    € 29,-

    € 29,-

    • Check-up for men

    Check-up for men

    Consisting of: Medical blood tests Prostate examination Screening for polyps in the colon that can develop into colon cancer. Read more here.

    € 148,-

    € 148,-

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