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Collection (930)


    • Factor VIII

    Factor VIII

    Factor VIII related antigen (assoc.) (v. Willebrand ag.) and Factor VIII:c (activity) are measured in this blood test

    € 98,-

    € 98,-

    • polio titer determination

    polio titer determination

    Blood tests if you need proof of vaccination for a travel document but no longer have an immunization record.

    € 93,-

    € 93,-

    • Antibodies to IA-2

    Antibodies to IA-2

    Test when diabetes mellitus type 1 and LADA (late onset autoimmune diabetes in adults are suspected.

    € 45,-

    € 45,-

    • clostridium differentiation

    clostridium differentiation

    If an intestinal screening shows a clostridium infection, it is useful to continue testing to see which variant is involved.

    € 97,-

    € 97,-

    • TOFI


    80% of people with too high a BMI develop health problems because of this. But this also applies to 40% of people who look thin on the outside.

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

    • Q fever Coxiella Burneti Chronic

    Q fever Coxiella Burneti Chronic

    This test is used when there is a suspicion of an old infection that has become chronic.

    € 87,-

    € 87,-

    • Preventive Medical Examination under physician supervision.

    Preventive Medical Examination under physician supervision.

    A preventive medical examination is never reimbursed by your and basic insurance. Some supplementary insurances do reimburse (part of) the pre...

    € 0,-

    € 0,-

    • Orthobalance vitamin B12 folic acid metabolism

    Orthobalance vitamin B12 folic acid metabolism

    The Orthobalance Vitamin B12-Folic Acid Metabolism Test consists of the tests: Vitamin B12 Methylmalonic Acid Intracellular Folic Acid and Homocysteine at...

    € 157,-

    € 157,-

    • Artificial grass PAK

    Artificial grass PAK

    The RIVM study shows that rubber crumb contains many different substances including potentially carcinogenic substances.

    € 87,-

    € 87,-

    • HielePT test

    HielePT test

    Is it your lifestyle or is there something more to it? In order to be able to coach in a targeted way, Hiele Personal Training compiled this test consisting of blood sugar...

    € 111,-

    € 111,-

    • Diphtheria antitoxins

    Diphtheria antitoxins

    For admission to certain foreign hospitals, proof of sufficient immune deficiency is required. That is why Bloodvalue Test offers this test.

    € 47,-

    € 47,-

  • € 65,50

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