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Collection (930)


    • Herpes IgG type 1 and type 2

    Herpes IgG type 1 and type 2

    € 59,-

    This examination provides information on whether there is an old infection (more than 6 months ago infected...

    • C-peptide


    € 45,-

    This test looks at the residual function of the pancreas. How much insulin is being...

    • Check-up Basic Blood Test

    Check-up Basic Blood Test

    € 79,- € 59,-

    This basic health check tests various blood values with which you can assess the functioning of...

    • Pre-screening + IgE What can I eat?

    Pre-screening + IgE What can I eat?

    € 89,-

    The 7 most common food allergens are tested for both IgG and IgG4 response. Oo...

    • T4 free

    T4 free

    € 25,-

    T4 free (FT4 free T4 free thyroxine) is a thyroid hormone. It causes d...

    • IGF-1


    € 49,90

    The test determines the amount of IGF-1 in the blood. It is a protein hormone related to ins...

    • Anti-TG


    € 76,-

    The anti-Tg test measures the amount of antibodies to thyreoglobulin (Tg), a protein that ...

    • Progesterone


    € 25,-

    Progesterone is a calming hormone. It is important that estrogen and progesterone with...

    • DHEA-S


    € 49,- € 29,-

    DHEA-S is an androgen a male sex hormone found in both men and women....

    • CEA


    € 25,-

    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a protein in the blood. Elevated CEA levels can ...

    • Blood value check Minerals Complete

    Blood value check Minerals Complete

    € 47,-

    Minerals are very important for our metabolism. Deficiencies can cause troublesome symptoms ...

    • HOMA IR (12 hours fasting)+HbA1C

    HOMA IR (12 hours fasting)+HbA1C

    € 49,- € 49,-

    Homa-ir is a measurement of Glucose and Insulin in which a prediction is given on h...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands
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