E-mail consultation for interpretation of blood results in anabolic use/bodybuilders.
Email Consult for strength athletes from Diederik Smit, internist-endocrinologist. Note: This consultation is only available if you have already received a result from a blood test.
Many bodybuilders in the Netherlands use or are considering using anabolic steroids. Using anabolic steroids is a health risk. The main problem is that there are relatively few side effects in the short term but serious health problems can arise in the long term.
Blood tests are one way to get an understanding of the harmfulness of these drugs on the body. The general practitioner and/or internist usually do not request this test for you, even if you ask for it. For (understandable) ethical reasons but mostly also due to a lack of knowledge. There is also often the argument that this research should not be covered by health insurance. Nevertheless, blood testing is an important tool you need to use anabolic steroids as responsibly as possible. It can show you during a regimen whether the organs are suffering from the high dose of androgens. After a course of treatment, it shows you whether you have recovered and, if so, whether this recovery is complete. For men using testosterone replacement therapy {TRT}, blood tests are a good way to assess the safety of the TRT and make adjustments to the regimen if necessary.
I am Diederik Smit, internist-endocrinologist and through the Android Health Clinic I am committed to more sensible and responsible anabolic use in the Netherlands. The past 10 years I have been intensively engaged in scientific research on health and anabolic steroids. I have completed a PhD. In my outpatient work I see many men who use anabolic steroids. This makes me one of the few doctors in the Netherlands with a lot of experience in this field. I often give information and practical advice, and prescribe treatments for side effects or health problems caused by anabolic use. At my anabolics consultation I meet patients who have used anabolic steroids in the past and now have complaints. Often they were poorly informed of the risks and rarely did blood tests to monitor their health. This is a shame and needs to be improved in today's generation of users.
If you would like help interpreting your blood results, you can have them sent to me. I look at them in the context of your (current) use and can tell you more about the health risks and, where possible, give you tips when it comes to further monitoring and/or treatments.
When ordering a consultation, you agree that we will share the results with the consultant. This is so that he/she can prepare for the consultation.