Consultation Bowel therapist Dr. Ir. Schantl
Up to 15-minute telephone consultation from orthomolecular gut therapist/nutritionist Dr. Ir. Julia Schantl.
You can consult Julia by phone about the tests to be performed that are related to your bowel symptoms. Julia can also study with you the results of the stool examination and advise you on the steps needed to bring your body back into balance.
In this consultation the results of your examination will be explained and a further direction will be given. For a personal treatment advice a new appointment should be made with her or one of her colleagues in your area where she can refer you to.
For Who.
For anyone with intestinal problems. Consider:
- Digestive complaints
- Diarrhea/obstipation
- Flatulence/ bloating
- Abdominal pain
- Reflux
- Irritable bowel
- Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
However, the cause can also be found in the intestine in the following complaints:
- Headache
- Skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne
- Asthma
- Allergy
- Autoimmune diseases
- Fatigue
- (Vaginal) fungal infections
- Fungal nail
- Recurrent cystitis
Don't hesitate to contact Julia Schantl, the orthomolecular gut therapist at OrthoVitale. She will be happy to help you or refer you to a fellow therapist in your area.
Also read the interview with her about the leaky gut.
Or watch the interview with her at the National Health Fair.
When ordering a consultation, you agree that we will share the results with the consultant. This is so that he/she can prepare for the consultation.