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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Consultations by Big-registered physicians ( 4)

A preventive medical examination at your own request is not meant to burden your doctor with questions, they are busy enough as it is.


    • Lifestyle doctor consultation - Tigran Vanian (10 min)

    Lifestyle doctor consultation - Tigran Vanian (10 min)

    For questions about your lab results or prior to a lab result, you can schedule a video consultation with Dr. Tigran: he is a lifestyle doctor and will help you both choose the right lab values, and discuss the results.

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

    • Telephone consultation Dr. Smits

    Telephone consultation Dr. Smits

    With this telephone consultation of up to 10 minutes, Gaël Smits takes the time to explain your lab results. He takes an integral look at your issues, both medical and lifestyle.

    € 34,50

    € 34,50

    • Telephone consultation by an internist

    Telephone consultation by an internist

    Should you still need a consultation with a physician after receiving the report with your results, you can order this consultation.

    € 34,50

    € 34,50

    • Consult Dr. Claudia 10 min

    Consult Dr. Claudia 10 min

    Do you have questions about which examinations are best to request in your situation?
    Or do you have questions following the results of your examination? Then request a telephone or video call consultation with Doctor Claudia

    € 39,-

    € 39,-

Consultations by Big-registered physicians

If a you want an explanation of your results, what the values mean you can contact the medical team of Blood Value Test for free. But they are not doctors and are not allowed to give medical advice. To discuss your personal results and how they relate to your health condition and concerns, you can book a consultation with one of our registered physicians. They can also consult with your primary care physician if necessary.

Feel free to call to discuss your results with Blood Value Test, and discuss with us which doctor can best interpret your results with medical advice.

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