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View recent info on submitting test kits during the holidays here

  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Consultations and advice (37)

We have several in-house specialists who are happy to help you. From an internist, integrative physician, colon therapist, pharmacist, They are all there for you.


    • Hormone consultation Doctor Marika - 20 min.

    Hormone consultation Doctor Marika - 20 min.

    Do you have questions about which examinations are best to request in your situation?
    Or do you have questions following the results of your examination? Then request a telephone or video call consultation with Marika

    € 97,-

    € 97,-

Consultations and advice

Consultation with an expert

We have several in-house specialists who are happy to talk to you. From an internist, integrative physician, colon therapist, pharmacist to fine tune your regular medications and supplements, endocrinologist to discuss your hormone use, dna expert to nutritionist. They are all there for you.

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