coomb test
Direct Coombs test (monospecifically differentiated) (code COOD, 2 separate tubes of EDTA additional name and date of birth on tubes)
Synonyms AHG test DCT
Categories blood group antibodies immunohematology transfusion medicine
Material 7.50 ml of EDTA blood
method: agglutination test (AGGL)
test to Clarify transfusion reactions (acute, delayed hemolytic reactions), autoimmune hemolysis, Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum, drug-induced immune hemolysisThe
direct Coombs test serves to demonstrate the loading of the patient's erythrocytes with antibodies or complement factors (autoantibodies, Morbus haemolyticus neonatorum, transfusion reactions).
In the case of a reactive search test, further testing with monospecific sera (C3d, IgA, IgG, IgM) is performed.