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microbiome (2)

Analyze your microbiome and gain insight into the balance of gut bacteria. Discover how your gut flora affects your digestion, immune system and overall health. This testeb will help you work toward a healthy gut and a better quality of life.


    • Microbiome RP

    Microbiome RP

    € 277,-

    Laboratory RP offers genotyping of the bacterial gut biota. This will allow the...

    • NU® microbiome test with biological clock

    NU® microbiome test with biological clock

    € 319,-

    NU's microbiome test offers detailed insight into the composition of your dar...


Improve Your Gut Health with Microbiome Testing

A healthy microbiome is essential to your overall well-being, digestion and immune system. For specific complaints, the Microbiome RP test can provide valuable insights and serve as a basis for treatment by a colon therapist. This test analyzes the balance of your intestinal flora, allowing for targeted support.

Want to lower your biological age? The NU Microbiome Test offers a scientific dashboard that provides insight into your gut health as well as your biological clock. Optimize your microbiome and take targeted steps to lower your biological age with personalized advice.

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