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      Gastrin is a hormone that, among other things, stimulates the production of stomach acid. Collection only possible at some special locations: Mönchengladbach or Maastricht

      Helicobacter Pylori Blood + 87.00Read moreThe NHG advises to do the Helicobacter Pylori stool test instead of the blood test, because it is cheaper and better.Read more

      Helicobacter Pylori Blood + 87.00The NHG advises to do the Helicobacter Pylori stool test instead of the blood test, because it is cheaper and better.Close

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      Helicobacter Pylori Stool + 39.00Stomach pain? Out of 10 people with stomach complaints, 3 have this stomach bacterium. You do not always notice that you are infected with the Helicobacter bacteria, but it can cause various complaints (over time).Close

      € 49,-

      + 21.90 one-time piercing fee per order
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      This test requires a blood draw from a vein. Collection is done through a blood collection center near you. Each order requires only 1 blood draw, even if you order multiple tests.

      The cost of blood collection at the blood collection station including test kit and shipping costs is €21.90.

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      • No referral needed from your family doctor
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      • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

      1853 reviews



      Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



      Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

      Product Description


      Blood test Gastrin from frozen serum

      Gastrin must be collected from 23-2-22 in frozen serum. Otherwise, collection is only possible at some special locations such as Mönchengladbach or Maastricht.

      Blood sample in the morning on an empty stomach (approx. 12 hours abstinence from food), 24 hours beforehand do not take antacids, H2 blockers or anticholinergics, do not drink coffee

      When can you do this research:

      In case of severe peptic ulcer, recurrent ulcers after partial gastric resection, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, severe reflux esophagitis, massive gastric hypersecretion, further diagnostics upon elucidation of MEN:

      MEN syndrome (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia) is an inherited disease. MEN syndrome is a disease in which tumors can occur in the pancreas, parathyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, stomach, lungs, and thymus (thymus).

      Gastrin is a hormone that, among other things, stimulates the production of gastric acid. This acid is important for the digestion. When the stomach has too little acid the gastrin will increase. The hormone gastrin has several functions: it stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, it increases the number of muscle contractions in the lower part of the stomach and it regulates the production of pepsinogen, an enzyme that plays an important role in the breakdown of proteins.

      When there are stomach complaints, the gastrin level in the blood is often examined. The values can be determined by means of a blood test. When the gastrin level is determined, the cause of the stomach complaints can be determined.

      Gastrin test

      The blood test measures the amount of gastrin in the blood. Gastrin is secreted by G-cells located in the stomach wall. However, tumors can also produce gastrin. The amount of gastrin in blood provides information about the functioning and intactness of the stomach wall and about the acidity in the stomach. High gastrin production is a result of rising pH in the stomach.

      Gastrin Values

      An elevated gastrin value means that the pH of the stomach is high because there is not enough acid present. This may be due to the use of antacids, an inflammation of the stomach lining or an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

      elevated values may indicate: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, MEN 1, postprandial, ulcer duodeni, chronic atrophic gastritis, use of proton pump inhibitors.

      Extremely high results may indicate a gastrinoma. For example, in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, a tumor in the duodenum or pancreas is the cause of excessive gastrin production.

      In Zollinger-Ellison, there are small tumors (swellings) in the intestine or pancreas.
      The tumors make the hormone gastrin.
      This causes your stomach to make too much stomach acid. This causes you to have long and frequent stomach symptoms, such as pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn and nausea. Usually the swelling can be removed with surgery or medication.

      Measurement method: Chemilumineszenz-Assay (CLIA)

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