Large hormone profile woman Saliva test
In this saliva test, a woman's hormones are
- Estradiol,
- Progesterone,
- Testosterone and
- DHEA measured
Not only for the adrenal cortisol and DHEA hormones, but also for the determination of the sex hormones estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, the concentration determination in saliva is useful.
In bound form, hormones are inactive. Therefore, to determine specific hormonal activities, it is important to determine the concentration of free hormones. About 95-99% of adrenal cortical hormones in blood are bound to proteins (e.g., CBG (corticosteroid-binding globulin), SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) and albumin). In saliva, on the other hand, it is only 1-5%.
Indications for using this test may include dizziness, weakness, loss of strength, fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, PMS symptoms, fertility problems and menopause problems.
The ideal time to take the Large Hormone Profile Female Saliva Test depends on your menstrual cycle.
With a regular menstrual cycle, it is recommended to take the test on the 21st day of your cycle, counting from the first day of your period. On this day, hormone levels, such as progesterone, are at their peak, allowing for an accurate measurement.