Herpes Simplex type 2 topical infection PCR test.
This urine or SWAP test measures HSV tye 2 DNA through a PCR test.
It is better to take a complete panel to get a more complete picture at a small additional cost: https://www.bloodtesting.nl/std-multiplex-pcr-panel-ulcer.html
This study measures only Herpes Simplex Typ 2: Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) usually causes genital herpes. It is a common cause of genital sores and blisters.
Collecting a sample for an HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) type 2 PCR test requires care and precision. The most common sample collected for an HSV type 2 PCR test is a swab of the genital area, because HSV type 2 usually causes genital herpes. Here are the steps for correctly collecting a sample:
- Wash your hands: Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to prevent infection.
- Wear disposable gloves: Put on disposable gloves to protect against cross-contamination.
- Prepare supplies: Make sure you have all necessary materials on hand, including a sterile swab and a transport tube with medium for virus preservation.that you received from Blood Values Test.
a. For women: gently separate the labia and swab over the infected or suspicious areas. Rotate the swab around and let it rest on the site for a few seconds to collect sufficient sample.
b. For men: Roll back the foreskin and swab over the infected or suspicious areas. Rotate the swab around and leave it in place for several seconds to collect sufficient sample.
Place the swab in the transport tube: carefully place the used swab in the transport tube that already contains the appropriate medium to preserve the sample. Make sure the swab is completely placed in the tube and seal it tightly.
Send the sample to the laboratory according to the instructions
a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for HSV type 2 can also be performed on a urine sample. Using urine as a sample for an HSV type 2 PCR test can be convenient, especially if genital herpes symptoms are not present at the time or are difficult to access with a swab
Sample collection: You should prepare to collect a clean urine sample. First morning urine is often recommended because it is more concentrated.
You must provide your own urine collection container or onion jar to collect a sample. The container must be clean and sterile.
You must open the container and urinate in the container without touching the inside of the container or the outside of the container.
Then fill the shipping tube for urine as in the included instructions or the instruction video from Blood Value Test.
It is important to work accurately and follow proper procedures to maintain sample integrity and ensure the reliability of PCR test results. If you are unsure of the procedure, consult with a medical professional at Bloedwaardentest.co.uk
It is important to note that these STDs can cause various symptoms and complications, and early detection and treatment are essential to avoid serious consequences. Safe sex and regular screening for STDs can help prevent and timely identify these infections.