Pituitary blood test
Pituitary blood test consisting of:
- Free T4
- LH
- Cortisol
- Oestradiol in women / testosterone in men
- IGF1
- prolactin
We can measure the functioning of your pituitary gland with blood tests. With this test we measure how much of the various pituitary hormones are produced. We measure the pituitary hormone and the matching follow-up hormone from the other endocrine gland.
The hormones tested in this study are:
Pituitary hormones:
- TSH (pituitary)
- LH/FSH (pituitary)
Follow-up hormone:
- Free T4 (thyroid)
- Cortisol (adrenal gland)
- Estradiol in women (ovary) or testosterone (testicle) in men
- prolactin
- growth hormone
We measure growth hormone production here by IGF1 (insulin like growth factor 1). IGF1 indicates the average growth hormone value.
You do not have to be sober for this examination, but it is recommended that the blood sample be taken in the morning.