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  • Blood tests Premium Ikaria men's clinic
  • Blood tests Premium Ikaria men's clinic

Blood tests Premium Ikaria men's clinic

    IKARIA Clinics recognizes that men experience symptoms due to aging. Often the decrease in testosterone is the cause of these complaints. IKARIA Clinics specializes in testosterone treatments.


    + 21.90 one-time piercing fee per order
    Watch the video for more information


    This test requires a blood draw from a vein. Collection is done through a blood collection center near you. Each order requires only 1 blood draw, even if you order multiple tests.

    The cost of blood collection at the blood collection station including test kit and shipping costs is €21.90.

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    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

    1853 reviews



    Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



    Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

    Product Description

    Blood tests Premium Ikaria men's clinic

    The blood test Ikaria Men's Clinic uses for the intake complete consists of:

    (effective July 5, 2023 without DHEA-S)

    • Glucose
    • Small blood count consisting of:
      Hemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of fatigue.
      Leucocytes - White blood cells - Infections
      Platelets (Thrombocytes) - Prevention of Blood Loss
      Erythrocytes - Red blood cells - Anemia
      Hematocrit - Anemia - Fluid shortage
      MCV (blood count)
      MCH (blood count)
      MCHC (blood count)
    • ALAT
    • Gamma GT
    • Cholesterol
    • LDL
    • HDL
    • HDL-LDL risk index
    • Triglycerides
    • PSA
    • Free testosterone is calculated from albumin, testosterone and SHBG according to ISSAM , also all values are reported separately.
      • Testosterone
      • SHBG
      • Albumin
    • Vitamin B12*
    • Vitamin D3 (25-oh)*

    * additional to blood test basic intake.

    This research is used as a starting point for the treatment of complaints in men such as:

    • Decrease in body hair
    • Decrease in testis volume
    • Attacks of sweating
    • Breast formation (gynecomastia)
    • Less appetite for sexual activity
    • Sleep disorders
    • Decrease in muscle strength
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Mood swings
    • Overweight
    • Decrease in morning sections
    • Irritability
    • Diabetes mellitus type 2
    • Depression
    • Osteoporosis
    • Fatigue, lethargy
    • Mild anemia
    • Infertility


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      Blood tests Premium Ikaria men's clinic

      € 169,-