IVF research man Irema Clinic
At the request of Irema Clinic Spain, we compiled the following survey for their IVF treatment:
IVF Required examinations man.
- Hepatitis B core Total Ab (anti HBc).
- Hepatitis B Surface Ag (HBsAG , Hepatitis Bs antigen on card).
- HIV-I/II/O Ab Screen (Anti HIV 1+2)
- Hepatitis C (anti-HCV)
- CMV IgM + CMV IgG (cytomegaly virus IgG and IgM (code CMVG + CMVM)
- VDRL/Syphilisisis/Lues (VDRL test card)
- Blood type and rhesus type. (blood group +RHF EB+SB blood group card name on tubes )