Medical Check-up General blood test
General comprehensive blood test
This complete medical check-up compares your blood at 25 points with the appropriate references for a healthy person of your sex and age.
The following tests are performed during the comprehensive blood test(V470):
- ALT - Liver function
- Albumin? Kidney damage?
- Alkaline Phosphatase - Liver, bone damage, bile ducts
- ASAT - Liver function
- Basophilic granulocytes (blood count)
- Calcium - Bone Calcification
- Cholesterol Total - Largest contributor to cardiovascular disease
- Cholesterol /HDL ratio with free kidney function GFR calculation
- Cholesterol LDL/HDL risk index
- CK - (creatine kinase) Muscle damage
- Creatinine - Renal function
- Total protein - liver, kidneys, intestines
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells, oxygen uptake, blood count)
- Eosinophilic granulocytes (bloom)
- Gamma GT - Liver function
- HbA1c - Diabetes (looks at average blood sugar levels over the past few months instead of a snapshot like glucose)
- HDL - good cholesterol
- Hematocrit (blood count)
- Haemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of tiredness
- Iron (anemia)
- LDL cholesterol - bad cholesterol Arteriosclerosis?
- Leucocyte differentiation: neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basophil, rod-core
- Leucocytes - White blood cells
- Lymphocytes (blood count)
- Monocytes (blood count)
- New as of 01-01-2024: RDW-CV (Redd Cell Distrubution Weight).
- Sodium - Moisture balance in the body
- Neutrophil granulocytes (blood count)
- Triglycerides - Absorbed fat content - Arteriosclerosis?
- Thrombocytes (Platelets, blood clotting)
- Urea - Kidneys
- Uric acid - joint inflammation (gout), metabolic diseases
Order your comprehensive blood test today and get a total picture of your current health.