MMA Vitamin B12 Methylmalonic Acid in Blood
This examination consists of Methylmalonic acid in blood (serum)
Methylmalonic acid in serum follow-up examination vitamin B12 deficiency
Methylmalonic acid is an organic acid that is usually elevated in a B12 deficiency. If the regular B12 test does not provide clarity, this test can be done to clarify if there is a B12 deficiency.
Elevated serum values of MMA are also found in people with renal insufficiency, hypovolemia (low circulating blood volume) and bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. Thus, in these cases, the value of MMA cannot be used to diagnose B12 deficiency, but of course a B12 deficiency may exist simultaneously. One can however test MMA in urine in kidney patients (and hypovolemia).
This test is should be kept cool. Blood samples should be taken Monday through Wednesday and sent according to the instructions provided. In summer, when it is hot, it is better to test MMA in urine.