Neurotransmitters upgrade to total
Neurotransmitters upgrade to Total (RP Urinalysis) hormones from urine.
Orderable only as an upgrade from Neurotransmitter BASIC test
Determination levels and relevant interrelationships of neurotransmitters.
this test is done from 2nd morning urine (neurotransmitters total).
Contents Neurotransmitters Total research
Parameters measured from urine in this test:
- Adrenaline
- Glycine
- Dopamine
- Creatinine
- GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)
- Noradrenaline
- Glutamate
- Noradrenaline/Adrenaline Ratio
- Glutamine
- Serotonin
- Glutamic Acid
Preparation for test taking
- Don't drink coffee, alcohol or take nicotine for two days.
- For the determination of the parameter serotonin the following is important;
- Do not consume any foods containing serotonin two days prior to the test or on the day of the test . These include bananas, walnuts, tomatoes, pineapple, gooseberries, blackcurrants, plums, mirabelles, melon, avocado, eggplant, kiwi and cocoa.
- The same applies to taking certain medications, only in consultation with your doctor/therapist!(more information)
This comprehensive urine test, determines the levels and relevant interrelationships of 9 of the most important neurotransmitters:
- Serotonin - Mood and emotion regulation, especially happiness perception, digestion, sleep and carbohydrate needs.
- Dopamine - Reward mechanism, confidence, motivation, focus, concentration.
- GABA - Gamma-aminobutyric acid: an inhibitory neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and is calming.
Noradrenaline - Alertness, dreaming, learning, mood. - Adrenaline - Attention, mental focus, excitement, metabolism. Too much can lead to anxiety and stress. Too little can lead to depression, fatigue, weight gain, poor motivation.
- Glutamate - Glutamate is the acid residue of the amino acid glutamic acid. Stimulatory amino acid, acts excitatory on the post-synaptic nerve and stimulates the reuptake of glutamine. High levels relative to glutamine are linked to epilepsy.
- Glycine - Inhibitory amino acid, occupies the GABA receptor and initiates sleep.
- Glutamine - Associated with learning and memory. Regulates acid/base balance. Firms the skin. Protects the brain from ammonia. High levels are linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
- Glutamic Acid - Natural amino acid and source for the production of glutamine (including in the brain).
These neurotransmitters are related to mood disorders, hormones, sleep, glucose/insulin balance, pain perception, appetite and cognitive functions.
This test is also useful in cases of insomnia, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autism, headaches/migraines, chronic fatigue and autistic spectrum disorders.
The table below lists symptoms that may be experienced, for each of the 9 neurotransmitters based on high levels or low levels in the body.
| High | Low |
Noradrenaline |
| -Stress and anxiety | Lack of focus/ energy/ motivation |
| -Hyperactivity | -Depression and apathy |
| -Increased blood pressure |
| -Pain |
Adrenaline |
| -Sleeplessness | -Bad methylation |
| -Anything | -Lack of focus |
| -Stress | -Lack of energy |
| -Blood sugar imbalance | -Deficient blood sugar regulation |
| -Insulin Resistance |
| -Allergic reactions |
| -Angst | -Angst |
| -Tingling extremities | -Hyperactivity |
| -Shortness of breath | -PMS |
| -Feeling numb around the mouth | -Sleep Disorders |
| -Heart palpitations | -Mood swings |
| -Depression |
Glutamate |
| -Neurotoxicity | -Fatigue |
| -Angst | -Low brain functions |
| -Stress | -Strong memory |
| -Somber |
| -Sleep Disorders |
Glutamic Acid |
| -Neurotoxicity | -Fatigue |
| -Angst | -Low brain functions |
| -Stress | -Strong memory |
| -Somber |
| -Sleep Disorders |
Glycine |
| -Angst | -Angst |
| -Tingling extremities | -Hyperactivity |
| -Shortness of breath | -PMS |
| -Feeling numb around the mouth | -Sleep Disorders |
| -Heart palpitations | -Mood swings |
| -Depression |
Serotonin |
| -Headaches | -Depression/somberness |
| -Mental confusion | -Heat Thrusts |
| -Sweat | -Sleep disturbances/anxiety |
| -Purifications | -Needs for carbohydrates |
| -High blood pressure | -Obstipation |
| -Arrhythmias |
| -Nausea/vomiting |
| -Muscle tremors/tremors |
download the instruction for the collection of the 2nd morning urine here