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    NSE - Neuron-specific Enolase

      NSE is an enzyme found mainly in neurons (nerve cells) and neuroendocrine cells.


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      Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



      Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

      Product Description

      NSE - Neuron-specific Enolase

      1 ml serum, frozen

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      A neuron-specific enolase (NSE) test is a medical test used to measure the amount of NSE in the blood. NSE is an enzyme found primarily in neurons (nerve cells) and neuroendocrine cells, which are located in various parts of the body, including the brain and lungs. The NSE test is usually used in the context of neurological disorders and cancer diagnosis.

      What applications include:
      - Neurological disorders: Changes in blood NSE levels may indicate damage to neurons. For example, after traumatic brain injury, stroke or in certain neurodegenerative diseases, NSE levels in the blood may rise. The test can be used to assess the severity of brain damage.
      - Neuroendocrine tumors: NSE is also produced by neuroendocrine cells, which can form tumors in organs such as the lungs and pancreas. Elevated levels of NSE in the blood can indicate the presence of these tumors and are often used as a marker to monitor the disease and assess the effectiveness of treatment.
      - Small-cell lung cancer: The NSE test is especially useful in diagnosing and monitoring small-cell lung cancer, an aggressive form of lung cancer. Elevated NSE levels in the blood may indicate the presence of this tumor and can be used to monitor treatment and the course of the disease.

      It is important to note that the NSE test is not specific to any one condition, and elevated NSE levels can be caused by a variety of factors. Therefore, the NSE test is usually used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests (such as ProGRP) and clinical data to make a definitive diagnosis. Only a physician can interpret the results of the NSE test and suggest appropriate treatment based on the patient's medical history and other relevant information.

      Elevated levels are thus found in small cell lung carcinoma or neuroblastoma, but also occur in benign lung diseases, central nervous system diseases, neuroendocrine tumors, seminoma or lung metastases. Elevated NSE levels in cerebrospinal fluid can occur in acute destructive central nervous system diseases, such as: Trauma, hemorrhage, ischemia and brain tumors occur.

      Guideline values: < 18.3 ng/ml
      Methods of measurement: Chemiluminescence test (CLIA).

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        NSE - Neuron-specific Enolase

        € 45,-