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  • Pancreatic elastase Pancreas from faces -RP
  • Pancreatic elastase Pancreas from faces -RP

Pancreatic elastase Pancreas from faces -RP

    To add to an intestinal RP Sanitas Humanus test for Maldigestion/malabsorption; pancreatic elastase, bile acids.

    Basic Screening Bowel RP + 347.00Read moreStool examination for the determination of intestinal biota (good and bad bacteria), mucosal immunity, presence of inflammation, decrease in diversity of intestinal flora and food allergy.Read more

    Basic Screening Bowel RP + 347.00Stool examination for the determination of intestinal biota (good and bad bacteria), mucosal immunity, presence of inflammation, decrease in diversity of intestinal flora and food allergy.Close


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    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

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    Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



    Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

    Product Description

    Pancreatic elastase Pancreas from faces -RP

    Elastase (pancreatic) says something about the functioning of your pancreas.

    Unlike the other protein-splitting enzymes, elastase remains active even after it has passed through the intestines. Therefore, by examining the elastase content in the stool, it can be shown whether the pancreas is functioning inadequately. Normal is a content of more than 200 micrograms of elastase per gram of feces. Between 100 and 200 μg is moderate pancreatic insufficiency and below 100 μg is severe insufficiency.

    This method has a 95% reliability for the diagnosis of an inadequately functioning pancreas. With this method, the medium and light cases are also more easily uncovered.

    A result lower than 100 μg E1/g indicates pancreatic insufficiency.
    The word 'pancreas' is a medical term for 'pancreas'. 'Insufficiency' means that something is not working sufficiently well and is therefore deficient. In pancreatic insufficiency, the pancreas does not work as well. In Cystic Fibrosis, pancreatic insufficiency is common. Tough mucus clogs the drains in the pancreas and doesn't get enough enzymes into the small intestine to digest nutrients such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
    The pancreas may also not be producing enough of the hormone insulin. A deficiency of this is called diabetes, which is also known as CF-related diabetes.

    What are the consequences of too few pancreatic enzymes?

    Because not enough enzymes enter the small intestine for proper digestion of food, the body cannot properly absorb nutrients, especially fats. Too much undigested fat remains in the stool and an abnormal stool pattern develops.

    You notice this by these symptoms:

    • (Prolonged) bloated feeling
    • Excessive gas formation
    • Abdominal Cramps
    • Foul-smelling stools, often beige/grey in colour, greasy and sticking in the toilet

    The reduced absorption of fat also creates:

    • Deficiencies in vitamins A, D, E and K (the fat-soluble vitamins). These vitamins are lost through the fatty stool
    • Weight Loss
    • Deterioration of the nutritional status

    The treatment of pancreatic insufficiency usually consists of taking pancreatic enzyme preparations, so that the digestion of nutrients is somewhat improved. These preparations contain the following enzymes: lipase, protease and amylase.

    • Lipase ensures the digestion of fats
    • Protease takes care of the digestion of proteins
    • Amylase is responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates (sugars), it splits carbohydrates into for example glucose

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