Parvo fifth disease IgM
Parvo fifth disease IgM
Natural immunity Persons who have experienced parvovirus B19 infection and are in possession of parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies as a result are protected against reinfection for life. the IgM antibodies can be measured 3 weeks after infection.
In practice, parvovirus B19 infection is diagnosed by the detection of parvo virus B19 IgM and IgG antibodies using immunofluorescence (IF) or ELISA techniques.
IgM antibodies are detectable from 1-2 weeks after infection. This time coincides approximately with the onset of disease symptoms in erythema infectiosum.
IgM antibodies remain detectable for 2 to 6 months. In cases of hydrops fetalis and in patients with impaired immunity, IgM antibody titers may remain low or absent.
Therefore, in these patient groups, serology is insensitive and DNA detection is more reliable. Specific IgG antibodies appear several days after IgM antibodies and remain for life.
A few laboratories allow antibody determination from finger prick blood.